Global Value Chains: Policy Implications and Opportunities

Academy of Global Governance
21-23 October 2013
Scientific Coordinator Bernard M. Hoekman | EUI
This Executive Training Seminar provides participants with a synthesis of recent developments in – and research on – the organization of global production and trade and the design of economic policies to enhance firm competitiveness and the value-added content of production. The rise of global supply chains and networks has important consequences for economic development strategies. The speakers are leading academics and experienced practitioners and focus their sessions on: progress in measuring trade flows (“value added trade” and the “servitization” of industry); determinants of firm-level productivity performance; policies for value addition and upgrading; implications for international cooperation and the design of trade agreements and development assistance.
From the 23rd to 25th of October the Academy of Global Governance also organised the Executive Training Seminar Role of Foreign Direct Investments for Development: Legal, Social and Economic Aspects (Scientific Organizers: Giorgia Giovannetti and Marco Sanfilippo). On Wednesday 23rd speakers from both the Executive Training Seminars participated to an Interactive Panel Discussion, and the UNCTAD “World Investment Report” 2013 have been presented. 


Carlo Altomonte | Bocconi University: Supply Chains and Competitiveness
Stephanie Barrientos | University of Manchester: Social Upgrading and Gender Dimensions of Global Value Chains
Olivier Cattaneo | SciencesPo: Developing National GVC Policy Frameworks
Gary Gereffi | Duke University: Drivers of Supply Chains Performance and Outcomes
Alan Mckinnon | Kühne Logistics University: Sustainable Logistics: Supply Chains and the Environment
Sébastien Miroudot | OECD: Changing Structure of Trade: GVCs and Trade in Value Added
Magnus Rentzhog | Swedish National Board of Trade: Services and Supply Networks
Jo Swinnen | University of Leuven: Product Standards and Supply Chains

Brixen Workshop and Summer School on International Trade and Finance

Bressanone/Brixen, Italy, September 15 - September 21, 2013

JEL Classification(s): E, F, G

Full Accommodation Fee is: 500 Euro

Further Information at:

The Workshop is intended for PhD students, graduates or young economists and will consist of a Summer School with lectures by leading scholars. Each participant is required to take active part and present a short essay on a topic related to the lectures.

LECTURERS: The lecturers of the 2013 edition are: Costas Arkolakis (Yale University and Princeton University), Matthieu Crozet (Paris School of Economics), Udo Kreickemeier (University of Tubingen) and Federico Trionfetti (Aix-Marseille University).

On the R-R case [UPDATED]

Just few toughts on the Reinhart-Rogoff case.
What does it mean for economics?
Well, at least a couple of good things.

Il libro digitale, il mercato e la paura

Repubblica ha pubblicato un articolo molto interessante e un po' miope di Scott Turow (ripreso dal NYT - qui). Ho subito sentito il desiderio di scrivere le mie riflessioni su questo argomento, del quale mi sono già accupato, che lega cultura, diritto, economia e tecnologia. L'articolo di Turow è interessante, perché l'autore solleva una questione rilevante ed esprime un sentimento popolare, che comprendo bene, ma che a mio parere è abbastanza fuori luogo. È anche un po' miope, perché il filo logico del discorso è piuttosto debole e le soluzioni che implicitamente vengono suggerite al problema sollevato peggiorano la situazione e non appaiono percorribili nel lungo periodo se non imponendo un costo insostenibile alle persone, in termini economici, di libertà e di privacy. Non sto qui a discutere punto per punto l'articolo, che serve solo come spunto per la reflessione. Mi concentro quindi su alcuni punti sollevati in esso e comuni a molti discorsi sui libri digitali (ebook).

Pdf academic papers on ebooks

Suppose you own an e-book reader.
If you happen to be a student, a researcher or, for whatever reason, you need to read plenty of pdf documents that contain math and graphs, you may be disappointed by how badly 7-inch ebook readers perform with pdf.

If you didn't try, trust me: it's a pain.
Either you read the A4/US letter pdf on a 7-inch screen, by zooming or rotating the device, and it is not confortable, or you try to convert the pdf with some tools, and it usually ends up even messier, unless you have a one-column plain text pdf file.

So, you own a nice ebook reader, with its amazing e-ink screen and its everlasting battery, but you can only use it for fiction. You still need to print 200 pages a week for your academic readings, 190 of which you will never need again, but you keep all of them on your desk for at least 6 months...

If this is more or less your situation, then I have good news!

Ancora su PIL e felicità (in tempi di crisi)

Ne ho già discusso altrove, ma vale la pena richiamare questo post di Paolo Manasse su PIL e felicità.
Vedere anche il post di Timothy Taylor.
Direi che c'è ben poco da aggiungere.
Fonte: Sacks, Stevenson e Wolfers (pdf)
Fonte: Sacks, Stevenson e Wolfers (pdf)